Romans: As a Believer, God Is for You!



April 23, 2024

Coggin Church

Coggin Church

In this message, we are building upon last week’s confidence and comfort with what I would call a “stacking message.” This message is set to be even more encouraging, with the potential to be one of the most uplifting experiences you could have with God’s Word. Here’s why: as a believer, God is unequivocally for you.

In this message, we are building upon last week’s confidence and comfort with what I would call a “stacking message.” This message is set to be even more encouraging, with the potential to be one of the most uplifting experiences you could have with God’s Word. Here’s why: as a believer, God is unequivocally for you.

Sometimes life can feel like a blank canvas, showing only darkness and uncertainty. But as we zoom out and view Romans chapter 8 from God’s perspective, we find a message of hope, strength, and profound assurance. If there is one truth to cling to, it is this: God is on your side. That means nothing can separate you from His love, and no accusation against you will stick. My encouragement to you today is to live in the victory Christ has already won. Embrace the joy that comes with knowing that God is your advocate. Verses 31-39 are a powerful source of comfort and confidence, not just because they stand on their own, but because they build on the solid foundation laid in the rest of Romans chapter 8.

Paul begins in verse 31 by asking, “What shall we say to these things?” To answer, we need to reflect on the foundational truths outlined in Romans 8. Paul had just revealed that before time began, God knew you. He predestined you to be conformed to the image of His Son. He called you, justified you, and has already glorified you in His plan. In other words, God is deeply invested in your salvation, from start to finish. With these truths in mind, Paul boldly declares: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” The answer is clear — no one.

1. Be Confident That if God Is For You, Then He Will Provide What You Need

Romans 8:31-32 invites us to be confident that if God is for us — and He is — then He will provide for our every need. The key here is recognizing that just because God is on your side does not mean you will not face challenges or opposition. Life, as a believer, can still feel like a struggle at times. The world might seem against you, and there will be moments when people or circumstances try to bring you down. However, Paul reassures us that while these trials exist, they will not prevail over us.

Even if you feel like the world is against you, remember that the power of God working in you is infinitely greater than any force working against you. There may be days when you face hardships, anxiety, or depression. You might feel like your enemies are closing in, or that you are battling your own flesh and its temptations. Yet, the promise of Romans 8:31-32 is that God’s power is stronger than anything that seeks to harm you. The evil and hardship that exists cannot have the final say because God is for you.

One of the most significant reassurances in these verses is that God has already given us the ultimate provision — His own Son. Paul asks, “He who did not spare his own Son, but delivered him over for us all, how will He not also with him freely give us all things?” This is a profound statement about God’s commitment to you. If He has already provided the most significant need, the greatest sacrifice, why would He withhold anything else that is beneficial for you? He would not.

Remember, this does not mean God is a genie granting every wish. Instead, it is a reminder that God will supply what you truly need, in His perfect timing, for your ultimate good and His glory. The daily bread you require, the sustaining grace to keep going — God is there to provide it. In Colossians 1, Paul tells us that in Christ, “all things hold together.” That is the reality we live in as believers. Despite what comes against us, we can have confidence that God is for us and He will give us exactly what we need to thrive.

2. Take Joy in That No Charge Brought Against You Will Stick

In Romans 8:33-34, Paul sets a courtroom scene to illustrate a truth: you can take joy in knowing that no charge brought against you will stick. Picture yourself standing as a defendant in a courtroom, with God as the judge and the prosecutor being the devil himself. The prosecutor’s job is to bring accusations against you, seeking to condemn you to eternal separation from God. Here is the amazing part: none of those accusations will hold.

It is not because you are innocent. In fact, the prosecutor has plenty of evidence against you — evidence that could point to lies, adultery, or any other sin that you have committed. But despite the weight of the evidence, God is the one who justifies. The reason the charges will not stick is that Christ already paid the penalty for you. He took on your guilt and, in return, granted you His righteousness. So when the gavel slams down in God’s courtroom, the verdict for you as a believer is “innocent.” Not because you deserve it, but because Jesus’ sacrifice covers you.

Paul reminds us that Jesus died, rose from the dead, and now sits at the right hand of God, interceding for us. This intercession is why you can have confidence that no charge will stick. The Bible promises in Romans 8:1 that “there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” This means that when God looks at you, He sees the righteousness of Jesus and declares you justified. This powerful assurance leads to one final question in verse 35: who can separate you from the love of Christ? The answer is clear — no one. Nothing. No accusation, no matter how severe, can separate you from the love that God has for you in Christ Jesus. This truth allows you to live with the confidence that comes from knowing that you are secure in God’s hands.

3. Rest in the Reality That Nothing Can Separate You From the Love of Christ

In Romans 8:35-39, Paul asks a question that gets to the heart of Christian security: who can separate us from the love of Christ? He lists tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or the sword as possible barriers to God’s love. But his emphatic answer is that none of these can separate you from Christ’s love. As you reflect on this question, consider the situations in life that make you feel isolated, alone, or even targeted by others. Paul reassures us that even in our darkest moments, nothing can come between us and God’s love.

Paul’s message does not shy away from acknowledging the hardships you might face — tribulation, distress, and persecution. These can manifest as work stress, family struggles, or even physical illnesses and diseases. But he emphasizes that no matter what happens, you are not alone. Even if you face famine or nakedness, symbolic of poverty and lack, God’s love remains constant. And if you are subjected to peril or the sword — threats that could even lead to death — Paul assures you that even these cannot separate you from the love of Christ.

Reflect on Paul’s powerful words: nothing, absolutely nothing, can break the bond between you and the love of Christ. This promise is not just a comforting thought but a profound reality for those who believe in Him. As you embrace this truth, take heart in knowing that God’s love for you is secure, unshakeable, and eternal.