A Heart for God and His Work

A good heart for God and his work. Start with a desire to help those around them honor the Lord.

Nehemiah’s example teaches us how to respond when God burdens our hearts: be open to it, pray boldly, take action with faith, lead with courage, and persevere through opposition. Burdens are not meant to crush us but to draw us into deeper reliance on God and lead us into action. As we face our burdens, let’s remember that God is with us every step of the way, empowering us to fulfill His purpose.

Fruits of the Full Life

Discover why the Bible is inspired, beneficial, and equips us to live out God's will in everyday life. Join us as we grow in understanding and applying God's Word together.

In John 10:10 and Galatians 5:22-23, we see a contrast between the false promises of a full life and the reality of the abundant life offered by Jesus. John 10:10 presents a powerful truth: Jesus came so that we might have life and have it abundantly, while the enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. This statement is a stark reminder of the two paths available: one leading to destruction through empty worldly pursuits and the other leading to life through a relationship with Christ.

Supportive Community

Discover why the Bible is inspired, beneficial, and equips us to live out God's will in everyday life. Join us as we grow in understanding and applying God's Word together.

In Acts 2:42-47, we witness the early church’s foundational principles for living in a supportive community, which remain relevant for the church today.

Learn God’s Truth

Discover why the Bible is inspired, beneficial, and equips us to live out God's will in everyday life. Join us as we grow in understanding and applying God's Word together.

In the beginning of 2025, the staff at Coggin Church sought to start the year strong by launching an identity series. This series aims to articulate the vision of the congregation and its commitment to living out God’s truth. This message will explore what it means to be a church that is rooted in God’s […]

Imitating Christ in 2025

Imitate Christ by becoming a person of love, letting His peace rule, and dwelling in His Word with community.

The Christmas Story: Run to the Savior

In Luke 2:8-20, the shepherds are the first to receive the good news of Jesus’ birth. These ordinary, overlooked men respond by running to the Savior, eager to worship Him and share the news. Their response—seeking peace with God, themselves, and others—teaches us how to embrace the true spirit of Christmas. Just like the shepherds, we are invited to come to Jesus, find peace, and then share that peace with the world. Run to the Savior, Worship Him, and Share His Peace.

The Christmas Story: Joseph and The Birth of Jesus

Joseph’s actions speak volumes about integrity, faithfulness, and quiet obedience. Let’s look at his example and uncover what it means to live with integrity, believe God’s promises about our identity, and rejoice in the reality that God is with us.

The Christmas Story: Mary’s Song

Rooted in Scripture and filled with awe for God’s character, Mary’s song invites us to pause and magnify the Lord during the Christmas season. Her song reminds us that true worship begins with recognizing who God is.

The Christmas Story: Trusting God’s Word

In Luke 1, we encounter Mary, a young woman visited by the angel Gabriel, who delivers a life-altering message from God. Through Mary’s response to God’s Word, we see a model of faith, trust, and obedience that inspires us to approach God’s message with open hearts.

Bless the Lord

Autumn tree background with the word "Gratitude"

Psalm 103 is a beautiful outpouring of worship and thanksgiving, born from meditating on all that God has done, is doing, and has promised to do. This Psalm serves as a reminder to fix our eyes on the goodness and faithfulness of God. It is a call to recalibrate our hearts, allowing thanksgiving to flow from a deep awareness of His steadfast love and mercy.

Romans: Finish With Praise

The Transforming Gospel

In Romans 16:25-27, Paul concludes his letter with a doxology. His closing words remind us that the gospel’s ultimate purpose is to bring glory to God. As we reflect on this passage, let us consider how we can live lives that finish strong — anchored in faith, filled with gratitude, and marked by praise.